NLN Quest Brain Injury Services Galway City

Our main Quest centre is based in the Liosban Business Park in Galway. It is fully wheelchair-accessible.

Quest Brain Injury Services is a community rehabilitative service for people who have sustained an acquired brain injury (ABI). Part of the National Learning Network, Quest is funded by the HSE and caters for people in the Galway, Mayo and Roscommon regions. The service is available to brain injury survivors between the ages of 18 and 65 years of age.


Quest is fully funded by the HSE, there is no charge to programme participants.

To Apply:

To apply to Quest, download and complete one of the forms below, and return to or send directly to the Quest office (address can be found on the form).

Quest Application Form – Galway

Quest Application Form – Mayo and Roscommon

For information on how to apply click here or call us on 091 778 850.

Contact: Patrick Hannon

Address: 9A Liosban Business Pk, Tuam Road, Galway

Tel: 091 778850

Contact Centre


This programme helps individuals who have acquired brain injury to achieve greater independence and integration in their community. The programme focuses on providing supports in improving quality of life, making independent and informed choices and exploring support networks and opportunities in the community. Students will also be facilitated in exploring further community, training, educational, care and employment opportunities in accordance with their individual goals. The Quest model promotes the ability of clients to achieve their goals in collaboration with the Quest team. This approach ensures the service is tailored to the needs and goals of individual students and family and addresses these holistically and in a non-prescriptive way. Rehabilitation is implemented through the combined efforts of people with ABI, their families, communities and formal services and is offered through a variety of instructional methods.

The programme, where appropriate, features the International Computer Driving License (ICDL).

Certification: ICDL