Your journey, led by you, supported by us
The Rehab Group’s care, residential, respite and day activities are provided in Ireland by RehabCare.
RehabCare is known nationally as a trusted, high quality and consistent service provider. Across all RehabCare services, an individualised approach is taken to ensure that each person has a support service that meets their needs and enables them to progress on their journey, develop and become more independent over time. We are committed to providing support services for people with disabilities, adults and children, people with mental health difficulties and older people. Our services support people to maximise their independence, community presence and participation, and live their lives.

From its humble beginnings in 1949 – when ten tuberculosis patients were provided with training to help them return to work – RehabCare has grown into an extraordinary network of community-based, health and care services supporting more than 4,500 individuals in Ireland.
Care in the community
All across Ireland, RehabCare offers anyone living with a disability or disadvantage – young and old alike – the personalised, individual support they need to live their lives as fully and independently as possible. With more than 210 community-based services across the country, RehabCare provides personalised support for people of all ages and all abilities across a range of service models including accommodation services, respite, Day-services, outreach and home support. No matter what challenge they face – be it intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities, mental health issues, autism or acquired brain injury. RehabCare provides a vital network of support that enables people to thrive, achieve and accomplish in living the life they choose.
Person-centred support
RehabCare employs more than 1,500 staff who provide a wide variety of responsive health and social care services to people of all ages and from all walks of life. Choice, quality and personalised services are the cornerstones of RehabCare. We pride ourselves on the flexibility of our activities, which are all designed to meet the individual wishes and requirements of each person who accesses our services.
We are committed to ensuring that everyone who uses our service plays a full and active role in the decisions that shape the services they use through our advocacy committees. Everyone who uses our services signs up to the Charter of Rights & Responsibilities. The Charter of Rights and Responsibilities states how people who use Rehab Group services can expect to be treated by the people who support them and by others who also use the service.
RehabCare’s Mission
RehabCare is the provider of choice of person-centred, health and social care services that facilitate people who are disadvantaged to participate in the life of their local community in ways that match their choices, aspirations and needs.
RehabCare’s Vision
Every person living life to the full and valued for, and as, themselves.
Mary’s Story: Rehab has changed my life
Check out RehabCare’s Maria Goretti Children’s Respite Centre in Lordship