The Peer Mentor Coordinator liaises with academic and administrative staff at TU Dublin for matters relating to the programme, and is the main point of contact on campus for mentors and mentees.
TU Dublin offers a Peer Mentoring Programme to all first year students. From the moment they step on campus they have a peer support system in place. It gives both senior and first year students an opportunity to get involved and get connected to the college in a fun and engaging way.
First years are paired with senior student mentors from the same course of study who have undergone training to be fully prepared for their role. The mentors then share advice and tips about college life during social and interactive 1 hour mentoring sessions.
Mentoring sessions have different themes, ranging from getting to know TU Dublin, the support services that are available to students, planning college schedules e.g. time management/goal setting, to exam tips and grading systems.
The sessions allow first year students to ask a variety of questions about their course and settling into TU Dublin to their senior student mentors who have once been in their shoes. While for mentors, it is an excellent way to develop and strengthen their leadership, problem solving, organisational and teamwork skills.
There are also members of TU Dublin’s academic staff present at each mentoring lunch who are more than happy to answer any specific questions about assignments, exams etc.