Vision and Mission

National Learning Network’s vision is a world of equal opportunities through learning.

NLN’s mission is to promote equality by providing world-class training, education and employment access services and actively influencing the creation of a more inclusive society.

Corporate Information

National Learning Network is a company limited by shares and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rehab Group, a registered charity. The Chief Executive of the Rehab Group chairs the National Learning Network Board. The Group Director of Finance also holds the position of Group Company Secretary and is responsible for corporate governance compliance. In addition, a separate Company Secretary is assigned to National Learning Network.

A Group internal audit function ensures compliance with legal, financial requirements and with Group policies and procedures relating to finance. In addition, an Audit Committee oversees an annual work plan relating to financial practice.

National Learning Network has its own organisational structure within the Rehab Group structure. The Rehab Group Director of Training and Employment Services has overall management responsibility for National Learning Network services supported by a management team representing the three operational regions and central functions.

Equality and Diversity Statement

National Learning Network values each of its students and staff members equally. We are committed to providing equality of opportunity and recognising diversity as reflected in the Rehab Group Diversity and Equal Opportunity policy.

National Learning Network provides services and working environments that actively promote equality and diversity and takes steps to eliminate discrimination or harassment as defined in equality legislation.

Quality and Compliance

National Learning Network measures students’ perceptions of our services through the National Learner Satisfaction Survey. The survey takes place each year at all service locations. The survey measures satisfaction with all aspects of interaction with our services, including:

  • Initial contact
  • Entry arrangements
  • Training delivery
  • Communications
  • Standard of facilities
  • Progression from our services

The results from the Learner Satisfaction survey are fed back to all levels of National Learning Network and are used to support the planning and continuous improvement of our services.

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