National Learning Network – Jutland Centre Limerick
At NLN in the Jutland Centre we provide a range of free courses to people who have had an accident, illness, injury or have a disability and extra support needs.
Our courses are tailored to each student’s needs, to help them to build their confidence while getting practical job-seeking skills to help them get a job or go on to further training.
For more information on courses available at NLN in the Jutland Centre click on the ‘find a training course at this centre button’ below or call the centre today.
Contact: Lisa Haugh
Address: Raheen Business Park, Raheen, Limerick
Tel: 061-229962
Pathway to Mental Health Recovery. A person-centred programme for people with mental health issues. Informed by the Recovery Model, it works to enhance the individual’s quality of life by improving their physical and mental well being and supporting their integration into the community. The Programme Team provide a supportive environment for students and a chance to develop their self-awareness and to learn new coping skills, bringing about real change in their lives. The programme also supports students in clarifying their future options using a range of centre and community based activities. Students will be supported in progressing to higher level programmes within National Learning Network, onto further education or training of their choice or making a return to work. Certification at QQI level 3 is available for all students in-centre and via e-learning. Maximum duration of the programme is 12 months.
Certification: QQI Major Award Level 3 in Employability Skills (3M0935)
NLN Foundation Skills Programme
This rehabilitative foundation programme is designed for young adults with mild learning difficulties, those on the autism spectrum, those who have physical or sensory disabilities and/or mental health difficulties.
This course provides students with a range of personal, social and work related skills which helps them achieve greater levels of independence and to play a more active role in their communities. Students also experience improved health and social gain, as they identify achievable goals leading on to further training, education or employment. Opportunities to demonstrate the skills learned in the training centre are identified within the community in efforts to encourage students to participate fully as active citizens in their own locality and move towards living independently.
Certification: • QQI Major Award Level 1 in General Learning (P1GLO) • QQI Major Award Level 2 in General Learning (P2GLO) • QQI Major Award Level 3 in Employability Skills (3M0935) • European Computer Driving Licence Major Award
NLN Evolve
Utilising a person-centred approach NLN Evolve is an individualised bridging and transition service, which supports participants to identify and progress their education, employment or life plan. The service supports participants to explore their personal vision for the future, and to develop the skills, confidence, and experience needed, to put their vision into action. A central aim of the service is to connect participants with supports, resources, experiences and opportunities available within their own communities leading to greater levels of independence, engagement and integration.