Donors Charter

As a charity seeking donations from the public we Rehab aim to comply with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public published by the Charities Regulatory Authority and the Fundraising Codes of Good Practice published by The Charities Institute Ireland.

Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness. We commit to being accountable and transparent so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in Rehab.

  • All fundraising will respect the rights and dignity of donors, beneficiaries and the public.
  • Fundraising activities will not be unreasonably persistent, intrusive or place undue pressure on people to donate. Should someone not wish to donate, or wish to cease making a donation, that decision will be respected.
  • Beneficiaries will not be presented in a disrespectful way in promotional activities and, where possible and appropriate, clients and beneficiaries will have an input into the promotional strategies of the charity.
Honesty and Integrity:
  • Fundraising will occur in an honest and truthful manner.
  • Fundraisers will act with integrity and not misrepresent the charity, its need for funds or how they will be applied.
  • Questions about fundraising activities and fundraising costs will be answered honestly and in a timely manner.
  • Information about the charity’s charitable purpose and activities will be made freely available.
  • Charitable donations and gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were donated.
Transparency and Accountability:
  • The charity will take responsibility for its actions and will be capable of explaining, clarifying and justifying those actions.
  • The charity’s trustees and management will explain and account to donors and the public for the charity’s actions.
  • The charity will operate in an open, frank and honest way and will ensure that transactions, operations, information and communications are easily understood by donors and the public alike.
  • The charity will clearly identify to donors and the public the cause for which the fundraising is occurring and how donations will and are being used.
  • The charity will provide ways whereby those interested can easily contact the charity.
  • The charity will have a procedure in place to address complaints.
What to do if you have feedback

If you do have a comment about any aspect of our fundraising work, you can contact the Rehab Group in writing or by telephone.  In the first instance, your comment will be dealt with by our Head of Communications.

Please give us as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond, providing relevant contact details.

Edel O’Connell, Rehab Group, 10D Beckett Way, Park West Business Park, Dublin 12  / Email:  / Phone 01 205 7200

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